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How Well Written is this Review?

This review written on Becoming by Michelle Obama was written poorly. “Before I tell you how much I love Michelle Obama, let me tell you what I have against her” (Hirsch, Becoming by Michelle Obama review – race, marriage and the ugly side of politics). This opening gives us a good first glance at why this might not be the most reliable review. By expressing how much Hirsch loves Michelle, we could be led to thinking she’s biased towards this topic. This review also contains a fairly large lack of information. Within the review no outside opinions are being used and none of the quotations are being cited; these quotations also have no relation to reviewing the book. Due to this review missing out on key information such as best parts and even the use of trusted or expert opinions, it is not a well written review.

In this review the tone is fitting towards the nature of this topic and it’s targeted at an educated audience, however there is a lack of relation towards the book and too much towards Obama herself.

“For feminists, or anyone frankly with a 21st-century grasp of gender equality, it is a highly troublesome concept” (Hirsch). This quotation helps express that this is targeted at a more educated group of people because it’s discussing problems like Feminism. However, this is a review and we shouldn’t be too worried about what Obama’s views were because this could lead to spoilers. The reader may be curious if the book is good, and should be read, not just the ideas in it which there is a lack of.

First ladies both feed into, and reflect, our patriarchal values, and so, in this world still so intolerant of female domination, making their husbands look good inevitably involves diminishing themselves, and a decoupling from their own achievements, so as not to outshine the president (Hirsch).

This review only begins to really start talking about the book over half way through the review, for example this quotation taken from the second paragraph shows how much more of a review on Michelle than the book it really was.

Work Cited

Hirsch, Afua. “Becoming by Michelle Obama review – race, marriage and the ugly side of politics.” The Guardian, 14 November 2018, Accessed 1 May 2023.


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